Boxing And UnBoxing:
this Article, I am going to explain the concept of Boxing and UnBoxing. This is
one of type casting technique
C# provides us value types and
reference types. Converting value type to reference is called as Boxing. Converting
from reference type to value type is called UnBoxing.
this concept we can link between value types and reference types by converting
value type to reference type and vice-versa.
Value types:
Value type
variables directly contain their values. All value types are stored in stack
and derived from System.ValueType. Structures
and enum also derived form System.ValueType and
stored in stack so those are also called Value Types.
types are primitive types those re aliases of the .NET Framework
System types. For example, int is an alias of System.Int32
Example: System.ValueType x = 10;
When we
compile this line of code, compiler will takes x as of System.Int32 by default.
Reference Types:
Reference type
variables store the address of the data. All reference types are stored in heap
and derived from System.
Object. All classes are
reference types.
Because reference types represent the address of the data rather
than the data itself, assigning a reference variable to another doesn’t copy the
data. Instead, assigning a reference variable to another instance creates a
second copy of the reference,
which refers to the same location of the heap as the original value:
While boxing any value
from value type to reference type, we can do implicit or explicit casting. Implicit
boxing means you no need to inform the complier that you are boxing from value
type to object. Right Now I am giving below example for “Implicit Typecasting”
Ex: int x =
o = x;
(“Object value after boxing {0}”, o) // prints 30
Explicit Typecasting…
Int y =
e = (Object) y;
(“Object value after typecasting {0}”, e) // prints 50
Let we see how to do un
Boxing. While converting the reference type to value type, we cannot use the
implicit type casting. To do Unboxing any reference value we must use the
explicit type casing only. See the below example.
Ex: int x = 5;
o1 = x; //boxing
Int y = o1; // gives error
Int y = (int) o1; //
Console.WriteLine (“y value after
unboxing.. {0}”, y); // prints 5
For an unboxing conversion to a given value-type to succeed at run-time,
the value of the source argument must be a reference to an object that was
previously created by boxing a value of that
Ex: int32 x = 10;
Object ob1 = x;
Int64 y;
y = (int) ob1; //
This code complies successfully but while executing, gives
So the type variable used for
boxing will be same when unboxing the value
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